Sunday, 28 December 2008

Where have the last five days gone?

Me again! Happy belated Christmas one and all and Lesley!

Worked ALL DAY on Christmas Eve typing a two hour conference for somebody in Texas. I way underestimated how long this was going to take, which I shall never do again, but I got there in the end. Added to that, I've definitely got slower. Old age I'm afraid.

Had a bit of kip, then the kids got up at 6.30 am Christmas Day and all the presents were opened by 6.35 am. They're definitely getting quicker. That was it then, they played on their new Guitar Hero game - I know what you mean about the endless tapping now. We had the usual capon for lunch, but it felt a bit like a Sunday dinner for some reason. Another sign of old age?

Boxing Day it was our turn to play host. We invited all the English people we know (23) to come and have a buffet lunch at our place. The average age was around 70 and they're all feeling the pinch, trying to live on ever reducing pensions. Added to that the weather was absolutely freezing and they all wanted to get off before it got dark, so it was all over by 5pm. I was just taking the dog for a walk when I met Suzanne, the English neighbour on her way over to ours, a little the worse for wear, waving a bottle of Champagne. I walked her back to the house, much to Woody's disgust, as we'd really only just set off! She sat there till 11 pm and we drank her champagne, together with a few more bottles which went down, I have to say, like Mother's milk. DH had to walk her back.

Still no Sky TV, so we've had to watch all the old films on ITV. I quite enjoyed them actually. The Wilce family DVD this year was Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which was so loud and irritating and l-o-n-g that we girls couldn't wait for it to finish. The two kids enjoyed it though, DH and Nick!

By Saturday, I was starting to go down with the dreaded lurgy. I've almost got over it but I had to stay indoors and drink a lot of herbal teas and gargle a lot of salted water. I'm really hoping that this is as bad as it gets, as I dread being ill and there seems to be so much sickness about this year.

Today, we're all back to normal, apart from eating leftovers instead of cooked foods. Only the New Year to survive now and that really will be it for this year. Suzanne invited us down to hers for a beef casserole New Years Eve, let's hope she remembered when she sobered up!

I'll post you some piccies later, I really have to take Woody out now before he gases me!

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