Sunday, 7 June 2020

Why take five minutes when you can take two hours?

I absolutely LOVE my ROOMBA. For those of you not yet acquainted, it is a Robot vacuum cleaner which cleans floors. It does a fantastic job against the cat hairs and unlike a conventional vacuum cleaner, it doesn't blow the air and dust back into the room. The only downside is that I have to remove all the obstacles for it to do a really decent job. Yesterday, I noticed the tumbleweeds of cat hair blowing around and decided to start early, move the furniture and set the Roomba to work whilst I walked the dog. For the first time ever, it refused to budge, saying that its battery needed to be charged. Since it's charging all the time, I thought this was a bit concerning so I better dig out the manual which came with it when I bought it three years ago. This led to me going through the pile of things waiting to be filed away and putting them into some sort of order ready for a better clear out before the BIG MOVE. No instructions or user manual to be found. Nothing else to do, I swept and mopped the floor the old fashioned way. Still bothered by the loss of the user manual, I had a brainwave and looked it up online. It just said to make sure the contacts were clean, and if it still wouldn't work to contact the manufacturer. I lifted the unit off the base. There, lying just against the charging contact, was a baby woodlouse, all warm and cozy and not very happy, quite frankly, at being disturbed! As usual, I managed to make what should have been a quick job into a morning's work. At least the filing is in some kind of order now...

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